Saturday, November 04, 2006

Some Tips

Before you say "Yes," ask yourself:
- Do I really want to do what I've been asked to do?
- Will I benefit personally from the experience?
- Will I have the opportunity to do this again?
- How much of my time is involved?
- Can the job be done quickly or will it involve weeks, months, or even years?
- How much help will I have, or do I have full responsibility?
...and this is the KEY question...
- Am I being asked to do this job because I'm right for it or because I usually don't say "No"?

If you don't have the right answers to these questions, teach yourself to say, "No, thank you, I already have plans." Or to say "yes" by saying "no."

Clean out the closets of your life

When a friend came over and made me clean out the clothes that didn't fit or that no longer represented my self-image. It was an exhilarating feeling. Now the clothes I wear make me feel and look great, and project the image I like.

Your clothes closet isn't the only hiding place for negative things in your life. You have a self-image closet too. Take a serious look at what you find there. Try cleaning it out. Throw out ideas that no longer fit your lifestyle or your experiences.
Clean your closet of certain old friends as well -- the ones who have become acquaintances. Too often we spend our energies with people whose interests have grown apart from ours.

Clean the negative people out of your life's closet. Some folks cannot accept your achievements, insisting it's only a "fluke" when you finally attain a great goal. Their own insecurities require them to shoot other people down. It is time to let them know you are proud of your achievements, and then move on to someone who will support you in your endeavors.

Closets may be hiding places for our outmoded clothes and ideas, but they are also where we store the building blocks for our daily lives. Don't let them get cluttered with outdated ideas.

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