Friday, October 27, 2006

Learn about Sleep Disorders

Find out about insomnia, sleep apnea, Restless Legs Syndrome and other sleep disorders by visiting NSF's new Sleep Disorders section.

OK so we've all had trouble from time to time getting to sleep, maybe its the project you have due the next day, the big interview you aren't entirely prepared for, or maybe you just can't tear yourself away from looking at that alarm clock as the minutes of attainable sleep count down. Sound familiar? You're not alone.
Everyone from time to time experiences sleep issues, but if its happening for more than a few days to a week, best consult your doctor to find out whats really going on. This site has allot of great information on it about sleep disorders, how to combat them, and when its time to get help. As I mentioned, I'm on zopliclone, and clonazepam to help, neither are dealing with the issue, just allowing me to sleep. I rarely dream on these, and when I forget to take them I sleep deeply and dream, feeling allot more refreshed. THE problem is, I rarely DON"T need them, so for short term they are great, long term, good for me I guess, but I'm actively looking into other ways to learn how to get a good nights sleep.
I don't ever recommend coming off medication or going on it without a Dr's approval, that's for sure, its just a hot cup of herbal tea, a nice warm bath, reading a story or a journal to vent may help.
Another tip my Dr insists in is staying away from stimulants, this means putting out my cigarette, setting down that glass of Pepsi, and forget about that 25 cigarettes a day smoking habit I swear (see procrastination article I wrote) I'm going to quit. These are my choices, but if your mind won't stop, anxiety is to the fullest, you worry all the time and jump at the slightest noise, your adrenaline gland is running, time to see a doctor and break the cycle. My general rule of thumb is if its effecting your daily life and making things worse, its time to take action..

This works for me, give it a try, and nightmares are another category I'll get into the another post!


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