Saturday, September 08, 2007

Breaking the norm, again.

I've never been one to go with the grain. Growing up I was more interested in driving the lawn tractor and playing in the mud then dressing barbies and cooking with my sisters. That's why it came to no surprise to everyone that I chose construction as my latest job choice. Already having a few months of carpenter apprentice work under my belt, I wasn't too worried, and new with some hard work I would learn quickly. What I did manage to forget about though, was the pain! Do other women have a hard time with labour? My first day consisted of removing about 40 windows from a 4 story building, and basically cleaning the 4 story complex of everything from wood to tiles that the trades workers left behind. I told myself all day that the workout I was going to gain would sure be worth it. I know from experience the pain will go away. but having the energy to keep it up is difficult to come by.
Diet is probably the most crucial element to making it. My daily routine consists of multi vitamins, complex carbohydrates, and protein. I also drink an insane amount of caffeine at this point too, which is expensive if you choose the new high energy drinks out there as your preferred medium.
Another key is stretching, since labour is very much a workout its important to stretch before hand, throughout and after your day to prevent more abuse and injury. I also prefer to shower at night and another good stretching after that.
Advil and other anti inflammatories are good to keep the pain at bay and help you out in the morning if you can't move, as well as topical creams such as A535 occasionally. Its important to listen to your body though, and if the pain is acute or more than muscle stiffness or soreness, it may be a sign you are just doing too much. In time you will get used to it, and gain strength, but not if you injure yourself in the process.

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